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Skip to main contentAbout usThe European External Action Service (EEAS) is theEuropean Union’s diplomatic service. Since 2011, the EEAS carriesout the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy topromote peace, prosperity, security, andthe interests of Europeans across theglobe.About theEuropean External Action ServiceСмотрите такжеCreationof the EEASAnnualreportsStructureand OrganisationHighRepresentative / Vice PresidentThe EU High Representative for top Foreign Affairsshapes the standing of the European Union on the globalstage.Смотрите такжеHR/VPJosep Borrell personal blog postThe EUinternational rolesAll over the world, the European External Action Service, incoordination with  the European Union institutions, addressesEU foreign policy priorities, including civilian and militaryplanning and crisis response.Смотрите такжеConsularprotection for EU citizensDiplomaticcorpsEU specialrepresentativesThe European Union has Special Representatives in differentcountries and regions of the world.Get intouchContact the European External Action Service, ask generalquestions on the European Union or get information onvisiting the EEAS.EU in the WorldThe EU maintains diplomatic relations with nearly all countriesin the world and undertakes a range of actions with strategicpartners, key international players, and emerging and developingpowers. EUDiplomatic RepresentationsThe Diplomatic Representations play a vital role inrepresenting the EU and its citizens around the globe and buildingnetworks and partnerships.AfghanistanAlbaniaAfrican UnionAlgeriaAngolaArgentinaArmeniaASEANAustraliaAzerbaijanBangladeshBarbados, Eastern Caribbean States,OECS & CARICOM/CARIFORUMBelarusBeninBoliviaBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswanaBrazilBurkina FasoBurundiCabo VerdeCambodiaCameroonCanadaCentral AfricanRepublicChileChinaColombiaCongo (Brazzaville)Costa RicaCôte d'IvoireCouncil of EuropeCubaDjiboutiDominican RepublicDR Congo (Kinshasa)EcuadorEgyptEl SalvadorEritreaEswatiniEthiopiaFiji-PacificGabon, Sao Tomé-and-Principe andECCASGambiaGeorgiaGhanaGuatemalaGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyana, Suriname, & Aruba, Bonaire,Curacao, Saba, Saint Barthelemy, Sint Eustatius, SintMaartenHaitiHondurasHong Kong & MacaoIcelandIndia & BhutanIndonesia & BruneiDarussalamIraqIsraelJamaica, Belize, Turks, Caicos Islands,Bahamas & Cayman IslandsJapanJordanKazakhstanKenyaKosovo*Kuwait & QatarKyrgyz RepublicLao PDRLebanonLesothoLiberiaLibyaMadagascar and the Union of theComorosMalawiMalaysiaMaliMauritaniaMauritius, Mayotte &SeychellesMexicoMoldovaMongoliaMontenegroMoroccoMozambiqueMyanmar (Burma)NamibiaNepalNew ZealandNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNorwayPakistanPalestine (*) - Occupied Palestinian Territory, West Bank and GazaStripPanamaPapua New GuineaParaguayOECD&UNESCO in Paris &Principalities of Andorra and MonacoPeruPhilippinesRepublic of NorthMacedoniaRussiaRwandaSaudi Arabia, Oman &BahrainSenegalSerbiaSierra LeoneSingaporeSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth KoreaSouth SudanSri Lanka & MaldivesSudanSwitzerland andLiechtensteinSyriaTaiwanTajikistanTanzaniaTchadThailandTimor-LesteTogoTrinidad andTobagoTunisiaTurkeyTurkmenistanUgandaUkraineUnited Nations & other internationalorganisations - GenevaUnited Nations - New YorkUnited Nations organisations in Rome,Holy See, Order of Malta, Republic of San MarinoUnited ArabEmiratesUnited KingdomUnited States ofAmericaUruguayUzbekistanVenezuelaInternational Organisations in ViennaVietnamWorld TradeOrganization (WTO)YemenZambia and COMESAZimbabweMilitary & civilian missions &operationsSince the first CSDP missions and operations were launched backin 2003, the EU has undertaken 36 overseas operations, usingcivilian and military missions and operations in several countriesin Europe, Africa and Asia. As of today, there are 18 ongoing CSDPmissions and operations, 11 of which are civilian, and 7military.EU NAVFOR SomaliaEU RACC SahelEUAM IraqEUAM RCAEUAM UkraineEUBAM LibyaEUBAM Moldova andUkraineEUBAM RafahEUCAP Sahel MaliEUCAP SahelNigerEUCAP SomaliaEUFOR AltheaEULEX KosovoEUMM GeorgiaEUNAVFOR MEDoperation IRINIEUPOL COPPS/PalestinianTerritoriesEUTM MozambiqueEUTM RCAEUTM SomaliaEUTM-MaliRegionsСмотрите такжеAfricaAsiaCentralAsiaEasternEuropeLatinAmerica & the CaribbeanMiddleEast and North Africa (MENA)NorthAmericaOverseasCountries and Territories (OCTs)PacificWesternBalkansWesternEuropeRegional policiesСмотрите такжеBlack SeaSynergyEU ArcticPolicyEasternPartnershipEUFacilitated Dialogue: Belgrade-Pristina relationsEuropeanNeighbourhood PolicyMiddleEast Peace ProcessNorthern DimensionElectionobservation missionsElection observation missions (EOMs) provide a comprehensive,independent and impartial assessment of an electoral processaccording to international standards for democratic elections. TheEU is a worldwide recognised credible actor in internationalelection observation. Since 2000, the EU has deployed over 160 EOMsin more than 60 countries.EOM Iraq 2021EOM Kosovo 2021EOM The Gambia 2021EOM Venezuela 2021EOM Zambia 2021EOM Honduras 2021EOM Colombia 2022EOM Timor Leste2022EOM Lebanon 2022Iran &JCPOASince 2006, the EU High Representative has led diplomaticefforts between the E3/EU+3 (China, France, Germany, Russia, theUnited Kingdom and the United States) and Iran, which led to theconclusion of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran’snuclear program (JCPOA) in Vienna on 14 July 2015. The JCPOA isdesigned to ensure that Iran’s nuclear programme will beexclusively peaceful and provides for the comprehensive lifting ofUN, EU and US nuclear-related sanctions.What we doAll over the world, the EU works to prevent andresolve conflicts, to support resilient democracies,to promote human rights and sustainable development,to fight climate change, and to contribute to arules-based global order.EU Security,Defence and Crisis ResponseIn an increasingly interconnected world, Europe’s securitystarts abroad. European citizens expect and deserve to live in asafe and stable environment. In the face of increased globalinstability, the EU needs to take more responsibility for its ownsecurity and increase its capacity to act autonomously.Human Rights& DemocracyIn a shifting geopolitical landscape, the EU has remained astrong defender of human rights. New geopolitical rivalries onlyserve to underline its role as a reliable and stable partner, and achampion of the rules-based international order.Gender &DiversityGender equality and women’s empowerment,but also diversity in the broadest sense of the word, are politicalobjectives and priorities of the EU in all of its internal andexternal policy.Climate,Environment & EnergyClimate change and environmental degradation are an existentialthreat to Europe and the world. The EU promotes the approach of theEuropean Green Deal of a just transition towards sustainable,resource-efficient and climate neutral economies and energysystems.MultilateralrelationsIn today’s world marked by major geopolitical and economic powershifts, multilateralism is still the most effective means to governglobal relations in a way that benefits all. The EU standscommitted to a renewed multilateralism fit for the 21stcentury.Migration &Forced DisplacementMigration is a global phenomenon presenting a uniqueset of challenges while offering substantial benefits to countriesof origin and destination as well as migrants. The EU works toensure that migration takes place in a safe, regular andsustainable manner.EUEnlargement & NeighbourhoodThe EU prioritises development and stability in the wider regionand neighbourhood, working in close partnership with its neighboursto the East and South and supporting the reforms required bycountries that want to become EU members.Humanitarian& Emergency responseThe European Union together with its Member States is theworld’s leading humanitarian donor. Newchallenges, same principles,humanitarian aid is a key pillar of the EU’s external action and animportant part of its ability to project its valuesglobally.International cooperation &partnershipThe European Union, more than ever, needs to work closelywith partners to face the global challenges and buildtogether a safer, greener, more prosperous and equal world.CulturalrelationsCultural diversity is one of the emblems of the EU and itsMember States and a tool to strengthen cultural relations beyondour borders, to connect people worldwide, to share values, toimprove international relations and to learn from each other’spractice. TacklingDisinformation, Foreign Information Manipulation &InterferenceSince 2015, the EU has significantlyimproved its capacity to tackle Foreign Information Manipulationand Interference (FIMI), protecting the EU’s democratic processes,security and citizens.GlobalGatewayThe Global Gateway is a new European strategy to boost smart,clean and secure links in digital, energy and transport sectors andto strengthen health, education and research systems across theworld.Economicrelations - Trade & sustainabilityIn its trade relations, the EU promotes a sustainablegrowth model as defined by the European Green Deal and theEuropean Digital Strategy, which can help the recovery fromthe COVID-19 economic crisis.EUSanctionsRestrictive measures, or sanctions, are one of the EU's tools topromote the objectives of the Common Foreign and Security Policy(CFSP). ScienceDiplomacyScience and technology play an increasing rolein the geopolitical arena.PublicDiplomacyBuilding bridges between the European Union and the rest of theworldNewsroom & resourcesPress materialsFor media inquiries, please contact the EEAS pressteam Subscribeto our Press Alerts & NewslettersСмотрите такжеPress ReleasesDeclarations / StatementsSpeeches / RemarksOp-edsStoriesСмотрите такжеStoriesHR/VPJosep Borrell blogBlog PostsPublicationsСмотрите такжеFactsheetsDocumentsReportsMedia galleryСмотрите такжеVideosPhotosCampaignsCampaign pages are created around specific topic andactions.Audiovisual & StreamingСмотрите такжеEurope bySatelliteCouncil of EU - LiveCouncil of EU -NewsroomEuroparlTVOther newsroomsСмотрите такжеEU NewsroomOther EUpress release databasesEuropean Council PressReleasesEU PresscornerDocument databases andArchivesСмотрите такжеEEASArchivesEEAS PublicregisterPublicregister of Council documentsECHistorical ArchivesINTPA documents libraryOpportunitiesJob opportunities, grants and tenders at the EEAS, EUDelegations and Missions and Operations.VacanciesLooking for an exciting job in the field of external relations,foreign affairs and security? Find our vacanciesСмотрите такжеContract AgentsEU Delegation ProgrammesTraineeshipsCSDP missionsJuniorProfessionals in Delegations (JPD) ProgrammeEPSOTendersInterested in one of the tenders? See how to apply for an EEAScall for tenders.Смотрите такжеHow toapply for an EEAS call for tendersUsefullinks and documents for tenderers and contractorsEx-post publicity of the annual lists of contractsOfficialJournal of the European Union (TED)Auction salesGrantsGrants can be awarded as donations to third parties that areengaged in external aid activities. Grants are managed by EuropeAid(DEVCO) or DG Near, the EEAS does not manage any grant.Смотрите такжеGeneralinformationHow to apply?ProjectsThe EU supports projects worldwidecovering a range of sectors.EventsEvery day, events are organised worldwide by theEuropean Union Delegations and its partners.EnglishJapaneseMongolianRussianПОИСКИнформация ЕС на русском языкеBack totopВЕБ-САЙТЫЕВРОПЕЙСКОГО СОЮЗАEuropean Union|European Commission|European Parliament|European Council|AllEU InstitutionsКонтактыЗащита данныхПоложение о конфиденциальностиФайлы cookieСервис Europa AnalyticsЯзыковая политикаПравовое уведомлениеДоступностьВход

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